Just when I think I have nothing more to say, I open my mouth.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Snowy Sunday
Oh my what a busy, yet relaxing, few days it's been. Thanksgiving day Dale and I went over to my mom's house with Marcela. We ate great food, looked at the fliers for Black Friday, talked and laughed and then went home. It snowed that day and everyday since. Jackson absolutely loveeeess the snow. He romps around in it and it's so cute. Too bad that our backyard has no grass so unfortunately his paws get a little muddy. Friday morning at 5a Dale and I went shopping with about 1/4 of Colorado Springs. I remember working in retail and how busy it always was, but that wasn't really the case this year. It makes me slightly nervous and makes me wonder when things will pick up and/or get better. Anyways, we got some great things at great prices and are almost halfway done with Christmas shopping. Yeah for that!! The rest of that day we slept and watched Christmas movies. Saturday was reserved for lunch with Carolyn and Melissa. Being with them and talking makes me appreciate my friendships that much more. I am truly blessed and fortunate to say that I have more than one best friend. That will be a blog for another day cause when it comes to my friends I have a lot of good things to say. Afterwards Dale and I went to the movies and saw Madagascar 2 followed by a chill night at home. Sunday was the usual laundry and football day. And we visited my mom, sis and nephew. Got a lot of couch time in this weekend, but I am already ready for more. Come on Christmas break!
P.S. Since I didn't really do a Thanksgiving blog I am most thankful for the following things: my gorgeous husband who to this day still gives me butterflies (or gas, I'm not sure), my amazing and beautiful friends (Mal, Marcela, Kels, Stacey, Melissa, Carolyn & Autumn) you girls always make me smile and your friendships mean the world to me, my immediate family who sometimes gets on my nerves, but I wouldn't change for anything, having a house and car and being able to pay my bills for the most part, my health and Dale's health, the ability to believe in things that I have never seen, my sense of humor, and finally... French fries.
I wish you all a great week filled with no stress and millions of smiles. Make it your own... make it a good one.
Your so cute! I am glad to hear that you had such a nice Thanksgiving! I can't believe it snowed the entire time! Looks like I have some crazy weather to come back to! It would be sweet if we got a snow day this week. :) See you soon my friend. :)
I am a loving, caring person who knows what she wants (for the most part). I have been married to my high school sweetheart for the last 9 wonderful years. I enjoy making people laugh and don't mind making a fool of myself to do it. Unfortunately for my pocket book I have a makeup addiction about as bad as a crack whore likes crack. Colorado has been my home for 12 years now, but I was a military brat so I've made friends all over the globe and those that are most dear to me have remained a part of my life. And I am blessed to have them in my life.
Your so cute! I am glad to hear that you had such a nice Thanksgiving! I can't believe it snowed the entire time! Looks like I have some crazy weather to come back to! It would be sweet if we got a snow day this week. :) See you soon my friend. :)