I'm sure you've all heard the expression, clothes don't make the man, the man makes the clothes, or something to that affect. Well today I am the man, and I make the clothes. It was a good day. Got a new shirt on, hair was cute, makeup was cute, I felt good. I don't necessarily consider myself to be conceited in the least. I like to think of myself as confident... annnnd maybe a little cocky. BUT, I am only that way because my husband seriously blows my head up so big that I can barely fit it through the door.
Anyways, point is - it's nice to feel good about yourself. It's nice to have a pep in your step and not be worried about what people think of you or your outfit. Don't get me wrong, I by no means seek other peoples approval on how I look or dress. I do me. You do you. It don't matter what you think and unless I specifically ask for your opinion, I really don't care to hear it. LOL, unless it's a compliment. But that's a given. So my advice to you, find something that you feel good in, take the time to do your hair/makeup, you'll be surprised how it makes you feel.
I need to get some of your confidence...or a husband that blows my head up would be even better!